About us

The Birth of  the Company is strictly linked to “Lanzetti” Pharmacy of Como”, founded after the Second World War by Enzo Lanzetti. The two enterprises, managed by their own founder, were located in a small warehouse in the inner city of Como.

In the Seventies, one of Enzo’s sons, decided to give birth to “CPL Prodotti Chimici srl”, building the new headquarters in Luisago (Co), a small industrial area at the edge of the town, where the Company is still located.

In the years 80/90s, the golden age of the Textile industry in Como, the Company saw a period of veritable growth, developing not only Chemical products, but also a wide range of textile auxiliaries, first in partnership with  ONYX U.S.A., afterwards, in partnership with STOCKHAUSEN GERMANY

In this period, the new Lanzetti generation took over the lead of C.P.L., first with Marco, then with Luisa Lanzetti, and with their father assistance, they gave a new impetus to the Company.
Owing to a considerable increase in business volume, the Head Office decided to put an end to its partnership with STOCKHAUSEN and to develop production inside the Company. A remarkable increase in human resources, in particular of the technical lab and the sales department allowed C.P.L. a rapid growth and expansion.

It began to manufacture and distribute a wide range of products meeting all requirements of the textile industry, such as chemicals, textile auxiliaries for dyeing, printing, finishing, coating  and a wide of product for ink-jet print.

In the course of the time the Company began to operate in other sectors  and to enter foreign markets. It developed specific and unique products for  wood and plastic treatments, boiler and water waste treatments and many others.

Nowdays C.P.L. Prodotti Chimici srl, despite the current market difficulties, can be considered a solid Enterprise, which continues investing to pursue its growth intent.